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Facial implants

Facial implant and other surgery techniques are performed to create symmetry among your facial features by establishing balance and proportion. Your procedure may be performed alone, or as a complement to other facial contouring procedures such as face lift, neck lift, cosmetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty) or other procedures.

  • What are facial implants?

    Facial implants are specially formed solid materials compatible with human tissues, designed to enhance or augment the physical structure of your face.

    The precise type and size of facial implants best suited for you requires an evaluation of your goals, the features you wish to correct, and your surgeon's judgment.

    If you are bothered by a small chin, weak jaw, or lack of facial contour, plastic surgery with facial implants may benefit you. While any area of your face can be augmented with implants, the cheek or malar area, chin, and jaw are the most common sites for facial implants.

    If you are bothered by a small chin, weak jaw, or lack of facial contour, plastic surgery with facial implants may benefit you. While any area of your face can be augmented with implants, the cheek or malar area, chin, and jaw are the most common sites for facial implants.

    Chin Implants

    Chin implants can increase the size and projection of a chin that is not in proportion with the forehead and mid-face.

    A small or recessed chin can also be described as one that seems to disappear into the neck of an individual of normal weight, rather than appearing as a distinct facial feature.

    Jaw implants

    Jaw implants increase the width of the lower third of your face.

    Much like the chin, a weak jaw can be thought of as one that is not well defined and distinct from the neck or one that slopes rather than angles from the ear to the chin.

    In some cases, both the chin and jaw can contribute to facial imbalance.

    Cheek implants

    Cheek implants increase the projection of the cheekbones. They add volume to areas that may be recessed or flat.

  • Am I candidate for facial implant?

    Plastic surgery with facial implants is best performed on people whose head and skull have reached physical maturity, which generally occurs in late adolescence.

    Good candidates for facial implant include:

    • Individuals whose facial bones have reached physical maturity, which generally occurs in late adolescence
    • Individuals who are bothered by a small chin, weak jaw or lack of facial contour
    • Healthy individuals who have no major medical conditions
    • Individuals with a positive outlook and specific goals in mind for their facial implant and/or chin surgery.
  • How do I prepare for facial implant?

    Preparing for your facial implant procedures may include:

    • Lab testing or a medical evaluation
    • Taking certain medications or adjusting your current medications
    • Stopping smoking well in advance of surgery
    • Avoiding aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements due to increased risk of bleeding.
  • How are facial implant procedures performed?

    Implant surgery - variety of options, including:

    Cheek implants

    are inserted beginning with an incision inside the mouth or along the lower eyelid into which the implant is inserted. If another cosmetic procedure is being performed at the same time, such as a facelift or eyelid surgery, the implants may be inserted through those incisions. Cheek implant surgery generally takes about an hour.

    Chin implants

    involve inserting the implant into a pocket in front of the jawbone. The incision is made either along the lower lip inside the mouth or just below the chin area. Inserting a chin implant can take between 30 minutes to one hour.


    is a procedure that can be an alternative to the chin implant as no implant is required. The chin bone is cut using an incision inside the mouth and the chin is moved forward or lengthened vertically in patients with small chins. The advanced chin is held in place with a small metal plate and tiny screws. The surgery does not move teeth or affect occlusion. This operation takes approximately one hour to complete.

    Lip augmentation

    can be completed using fat injections, fillers, or tissue grafts. Grafting and implants are generally performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. Small incisions are made in the corners of the lips, to insert the implant or graft. The implant or graft is held in place with sutures.

    Lower jaw implants

    are incorporated through incisions made inside the mouth on either side of the lower lip where the implant is inserted. Jaw implant surgery takes about one to two hours.

  • What is involved in recovery?

    During your facial implants recovery, bandages or dressings may be applied to keep the surgical site clean and to support the position of the implant during initial healing once your procedure is finished.

    You will be given specific instructions about how to care for the surgical site, medications to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the potential for infection, specific concerns to look for at the surgical site or in your general health, and when to follow up with your plastic surgeon.

    Cheek implants:

    Cheek implant surgery recovery may include some discomfort and swelling, and possible difficulty moving your mouth and lips for several days. Your stitches will be removed within about a week. Stitches used inside the mouth dissolve on their own.

    Chin implants:

    Following chin implant surgery, you may experience some pain, swelling and bruising. Your stitches will be removed within about a week. Stitches used inside the mouth dissolve on their own.

    Lip implants or lip augmentation:

    Most lip enlargement techniques cause post-surgical swelling that can last for approximately one week. After that time, the lips may still be swollen, but presentable.

    Lower jaw implants:

    Lower jaw implants may cause some discomfort and significant swelling. You may also find it difficult to move your mouth and lips for several days. Although most of the swelling will subside within several days, it may take several months for all of the swelling to go down. Stitches used inside the mouth dissolve on their own.

  • Facial implants results

    While the initial outcome of plastic surgery with facial implants is present almost immediately, it will be obscured by visible swelling. It may take several months for swelling to fully dissipate.

    The final results of your facial implant surgery will be long-lasting; however, the initial healing phase may include localized swelling, discoloration, numbness or discomfort will subside over the first week with the use of cold compresses, and continue to subside for the following two to four weeks. Swelling from facial implants should go away fully in one to two months as your final results appear.

    In addition, facial movements may be temporarily restricted or impaired. These are common conditions.

    Although good results are expected from your procedure, there is no guarantee. In some situations, it may not be possible to achieve optimal results with a single surgical procedure and another surgery may be necessary.

    Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how to care for yourself and following your doctor's instructions is essential to the success of your surgery.

    It's important that the surgical incisions are not subjected to excessive force, swelling, abrasion, or motion during the time of healing.

  • Facial implants risk and safety

    The decision to have facial implant surgery is extremely personal, and you'll have to decide if the benefits will achieve your goals and if the risks and potential complications of facial implants are acceptable.

    You will be asked to sign consent forms to ensure that you fully understand the procedure and any risks and potential complications.

  • Your facial implants consultation

    During your facial implants consultation be prepared to discuss:

    • Your surgical goals
    • Medical conditions, drug allergies, and medical treatments
    • Current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco, and drug use
    • Previous surgeries

    Your plastic surgeon will also:

    • Evaluate your general health status and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors
    • Take photographs
    • Discuss your options
    • Recommend a course of treatment
    • Discuss likely outcomes of facial implant surgery and any risks or potential complications
  • Questions to ask my plastic surgeon

    Use this checklist as a guide during your consultation:

    • Am I a good candidate for this procedure?
    • Where and how will you perform my procedure?
    • What shape, size, surface texturing, incision site and placement site are recommended for me?
    • How long of a recovery period can I expect, and what kind of help will I need during my recovery?
    • What are the risks and complications associated with my procedure?
    • How are complications handled?
    • What are my options if I am dissatisfied with the cosmetic outcome of my facial implant surgery?
    • Do you have before-and-after photos I can look at for each procedure and what results are reasonable for me?

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